Journal papers
- Francis N. M., Lebensohn R., Pourahmadian F., Dingreville R. (2024). Micropolar elastoplasticity using fast Fourier transforms. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, accepted. (ArXiv preprint)
- Schmid A. C., Doostan A., Pourahmadian F. (2024). Ensemble WSINDy for data-driven discovery of governing equations from laser-based full-field measurements. Journal of Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, under review. (ArXiv preprint)
- Xu Y., Pourahmadian F. (2024). Network scaling and scale-driven loss balancing for intelligent characterization of poroelastic systems. Journal of Computational Physics, under review. (ArXiv preprint)
- Song J., Pourahmadian F., Murray T. W., Narumanchi V. V. (2024). Laser ultrasonic imaging via the time domain
linear sampling method. IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging, under review. (ArXiv preprint)
- Francis N. M., Pourahmadian F., Lebensohn R., Dingreville R. (2024). A fast Fourier transform-based solver for micropolar composites. Journal of Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 418: 116510. (url)
- Xu Y., Pourahmadian F., Song J., Wang C. (2023). Deep learning for full-field ultrasonic characterization. Journal of Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 201: 110668. (ArXiv preprint) (url)
- Narumanchi V. V., Pourahmadian F., Lum J., Townsend A., Tringe J. W., Stobbe D. M., Murray T. W. (2023). Laser ultrasonic imaging of subsurface defects with the linear sampling method. Optics Express, 31 (5): 9098-9111. (url)
- Liu X., Song J., Pourahmadian F., Haddar H. (2023). Time- vs. frequency- domain inverse elastic scattering: Theory and experiment. SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 83 (3): 1296-1314. (url) (ArXiv preprint)
- Pourahmadian F., Haddar H. (2023). Ultrasonic imaging in highly heterogeneous backgrounds. Proceedings of the Royal Society A 479: 20220721. (ArXiv preprint) (url)
- Pourahmadian F., Napal K. (2022). Poroelastic near-field inverse scattering. Journal of Computational Physics, 455: 111005. (ArXiv preprint) (url)
- Pourahmadian F., Yue H. (2021). Laboratory application of sampling approaches to inverse scattering. Inverse Problems, 37: 055012. (ArXiv preprint) (url)
- Pourahmadian F. (2021). Experimental validation of differential evolution indicators for ultrasonic imaging in unknown backgrounds. Journal of Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 161: 108029. (ArXiv preprint) (url)
- Pourahmadian F., Haddar H. (2020). Differential tomography of micromechanical evolution in elastic materials of unknown micro/macrostructure. SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, 13(3): 1302-1330. (ArXiv preprint) (url)
- De Teresa I., Pourahmadian F. (2018). Real-time imaging of interfacial damage in heterogeneous composites. SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 78: 2763-2790. (ArXiv preprint) (url)
- Pourahmadian F., Guzina B. B. (2018). On the elastic anatomy of heterogeneous fractures in rock. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 109: 259-268. (ArXiv preprint) (url)
- Pourahmadian F., Guzina B. B., Haddar H. (2017). A synoptic approach to the seismic sensing of heterogeneous fractures: From geometric reconstruction to interfacial characterization. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 324: 395-412. (ArXiv preprint) (url)
- Pourahmadian F., Guzina B. B., Haddar H. (2017). Generalized linear sampling method for elastic-wave sensing of heterogeneous fractures. Inverse Problems 33: 055007. (ArXiv preprint) (url)
- Pourahmadian F. (2016). A holistic approach to seismic waveform tomography of heterogeneous fractures: From geometric reconstruction to interfacial characterization. University of Minnesota, Doctoral Thesis. (pdf) (url)
- Pourahmadian F., Guzina B. B. (2015). On the elastic-wave imaging and characterization of fractures with specific stiffness. International Journal of Solids and Structures 71: 126-140. (pdf) (url)
- Guzina B. B., Pourahmadian F. (2015). Why the high-frequency inverse scattering by topological sensitivity may work. Proceedings of the Royal Society A 471: 20150187. (pdf) (url)
- Pourahmadian F., Mogilevskaya S. G. (2015). Complex variables-based approach for analytical evaluation of boundary integral representations of three-dimensional acoustic scattering. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 53: 9-17. (pdf) (url)
- Pourahmadian F., Ahmadian H., Jalali H. (2012). Modeling and identification of frictional forces at a contact interface experiencing vibro-impacts. Journal of Sound and Vibration 331: 2874-2886. (pdf) (url)
- Jalali H., Ahmadian H., Pourahmadian F. (2011). Identification of micro-vibro-impacts at the boundary condition of a nonlinear beam. Journal of Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 25: 1073-1085. (pdf) (url)
- Ahmadian H., Jalali H., Pourahmadian F. (2010). Nonlinear model identification of a frictional contact support. Journal of Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 24: 2844-2854. (pdf) (url)
Work in Progress
- Schmid A., Doostan A., Pourahmadian F. (2022-3). Bayesian data-driven discovery of equations governing ultrasonic wave motion.
- Song J., Xu Y., Narumanchi V. V., Pourahmadian F., Murray T. W. (2023). AI-augmented remote sensing.
- Francis N. M., Shin D., Alberdi R., Dingreville R., Lebensohn, R. A., Pourahmadian F. (2023). Data-driven modeling of micropolar composites.
- Song J., Wang C., Narumanchi V. V., Murray T. W., Pourahmadian F. (2022-3). Laser ultrasonic imaging.
- Xu Y., Pourahmadian F. (2023). Multiscale poro-elastography via deep learning.
Conference papers & technical presentations
- Francis N. M., Shin D., Lebensohn R., Pourahmadian F., Dingreville R. (2024). A deep material network using micropolar mechanics. Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference (EMI 2024), Palmer House Hotel, Chicago, IL.
- Xu Y., Pourahmadian F. (2024). A neural operator learning approach to model poroelastodynamics of rocks. Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference (EMI 2024), Palmer House Hotel, Chicago, IL.
- Song J., Pourahmadian F., Murray T. W. and Narumanchi V. V. (2024). Laser ultrasonic imaging via the linear sampling method. Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference (EMI 2024), Palmer House Hotel, Chicago, IL.
- Schmid A. C., Doostan A., Pourahmadian F. (2024). Data-driven discovery of governing equations and mechanical properties from experimental ultrasonic data with quantified uncertainty. Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference (EMI 2024), Palmer House Hotel, Chicago, IL.
- Pourahmadian F., Xu Y., Song J., Murray T. W. and Narumanchi V. V. (2024). ML-regularized functionals for imaging in complex environments. Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference (EMI 2024), Palmer House Hotel, Chicago, IL.
- Francis N. M., Lebensohn R., Pourahmadian F., Dingreville R. (2024). Micropolar elastoplasticity using fast Fourier transforms. Material Research Summit, Los Alamos, NM. (invited poster)
- Schmid A. C., Doostan A, Pourahmadian F (2024). Non-destructive evaluation of mock HE material properties. PSAAP III CU Boulder Multidisciplinary Simulation Center (MSC) Tri-lab Sponsor Team (TST) Meeting, Los Alamos, NM.
- Xu Y. , Pourahmadian F., Song J., Wang C. (2023). Deep learning for full-field ultrasonic characterization. 18th Annual Conference on Frontiers in Applied and Computational Mathematics (FACM'23), New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT), Newark, New Jersey. (poster)
- Schmid A. C., Doostan A., Pourahmadian F. (2023). Governing equation and material property discovery via laser-based testing. PSAAP III, University of Colorado Boulder, CO. (poster)
- Francis N. M., Dingreville R., Pourahmadian F. (2022). Micromorphic homogenization towards multiscale metamaterial design. Sandia Day, University of Colorado Boulder, CO. (poster)
- Song J., Liu X., Pourahmadian F., Haddar H. (2022). Time-domain linear sampling method for in-situ ultrasonic imaging. Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD. (paper) Jian won the best student paper award from the EMI Elasticity Committee
- Xu Y., Pourahmadian F. (2022). Deep learning tools for ultrasonic elastography. Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD.(talk)
- Pourahmadian F., Song J., Liu X., Haddar H. (2022). Time- vs. frequency- domain ultrasonic tomography. SIAM-CSS, Oklahoma State University, OK. (invited talk)
- Pourahmadian F. (2021). Recent progress on inverse scattering in highly heterogeneous solids. 6th Annual Meeting of SIAM Central States, University of Kansas, KS. (invited talk)
- Pourahmadian F., Yue H. (2021). Experimental validation of differential evolution indicators. Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference, Virtual. (talk)
- Pourahmadian F. (2021). Data-driven characterization of mechanical systems. 14th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM XIV) and 8th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Science and Engineering (ECCOMAS 2020), Virtual. (invited talk)
- Pourahmadian F. (2020). Sampling-based approaches to laser ultrasonics. Society of Engineering Science Conference, Virtual. (talk)
- Napal K.,Pourahmadian F. (2020). Detection and quantification of small cracks aggregates using artificial backgrounds. Society of Engineering Science Conference, Virtual. (talk)
- Napal K., Haddar H., Chesnel L., Audibert L.,Pourahmadian F. (2020). Inverse scattering via artificial backgrounds. IRT Research Blitz & Celebration, University of Colorado Boulder, CO. (poster)
- Pourahmadian F. (2019). Waveform tomography in uncertain/unknown media. SIAM annual meeting on recent progress in wave phenomena, Laramie, WY. (invited talk)
- Pourahmadian F. (2019). Recent advances on imaging in complex media. Inverse Problems Seminar, Department of Mathematics, Colorado State University, CO. (invited talk)
- Pourahmadian F. (2019). Imaging in highly scattering composites. Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation, Portland, OR. (talk)
- Shakeri R.,Pourahmadian F. (2019). Poroelastic imaging of hydraulic fractures. Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference, Caltech, CA. (talk); and Hilf Lecture Series 2019, Boulder, Co. (poster)
- Pourahmadian F., Yue H. (2019). Differential imaging of evolution in elastic backgrounds with unknown microstructure. Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference, Caltech, CA. (talk)
- Pourahmadian F. (2018). Real-time imaging of microstructural damage in complex composites. International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, Pittsburgh, PA. (talk)
- Pourahmadian F. (2018). Real-time waveform tomography of damage precursors in complex composites. Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation, Burlington, VT. (talk)
- Pourahmadian F. (2018). 3D seismic waveform tomography of subsurface fractures. GRSG Oil and Gas Remote Sensing Workshop, University of Colorado Boulder, CO. (poster)
- Pourahmadian F. (2018). Differential imaging of evolution in elastic backgrounds with unknown microstructure. Colloquium, Applied Mathematics Department, University of Colorado Boulder, CO. (invited talk)
- Pourahmadian F. (2018). Next-generation sensing technologies for nondestructive evaluation of sensitive structures. United States Bureau of Reclamation, Denver, CO. (talk)
- Pourahmadian F. (2017). High-frequency inverse scattering by Topological Sensitivity. Nonlinear Waves Seminar, Applied Mathematics Department, University of Colorado Boulder, CO. (abstract)
- Pourahmadian F. (2017). Sounding of heterogeneous fractures in the subsurface. Nonlinear Waves Seminar, Applied Mathematics Department, University of Colorado Boulder, CO. (abstract)
- Pourahmadian F., Guzina, B. B., Haddar, H. (2017). Generalized linear sampling method for active imaging of subsurface fractures. WAVES 2017, Minneapolis, MN. (paper)
- Pourahmadian F. (2017). Real-time monitoring of heterogeneous fractures in rock: an experimental study. 51th US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, San Francisco, CA. (paper)
- Pourahmadian F. (2017). Active monitoring of fracturing in quasi-brittle solids: an experimental study. Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference, UC San Diego, CA. (abstract)
- Pourahmadian F., Guzina B. B. (2016). Active ultrasonic imaging and interfacial characterization of stationary and evolving fractures in rock. 50th US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, Houston, Texas. (paper)
- Pourahmadian F., Guzina B. B. (2016). Active Elastic-Wave Imaging of Heterogeneous Fractures: From Geometric Reconstruction to Interfacial Characterization. Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference, Vanderbilt University, Nashville. (abstract)
- Pourahmadian F., Guzina B. B., Haddar H. (2015). Active seismic imaging & characterization of fractures. CEGE Seminar, University of
Minnesota, Minneapolis. (talk)
- Pourahmadian F., Guzina B. B. (2015). A hybrid approach to active seismic imaging of fractures: geometric reconstruction & interface characterization. International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Houston. (talk)
- Pourahmadian F., Tokmashev R. D., Risch P. A., Guzina B. B. (2015). Imaging and Characterization of Fracture Interface: An Experimental Study. Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation, Minneapolis. (talk)
- Pourahmadian F., Guzina B. B. (2015). Simultaneous recovery of fracture geometry and boundary condition at high frequencies. Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference, Stanford University. (talk)
- Pourahmadian F., Tokmashev R. D., Guzina B. B. (2015). On the Elastic-wave Imaging and Interfacial Characterization of Heterogeneous Fractures. IMA Hot Topics Workshop "hydraulic fracturing: from modeling and simulation to reconstruction and characterization", Institute of Mathematics and its Applications (IMA), Minneapolis. (poster)
- Guzina B. B., Pourahmadian F. (2014). Why the obstacle reconstruction by topological sensitivity may work. 11th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM XI), Barcelona, Spain. (url)
- Guzina B. B., Pourahmadian F. (2013). Why the shape reconstruction by topological derivative may work. CEGE Seminar, University of
Minnesota, Minneapolis. (talk)
- Pourahmadian F., Guzina B. B. (2013). Why the shape reconstruction by topological sensitivity may work. International Conference on Novel
Directions in Inverse Scattering, University of Delaware. (talk)
- Pourahmadian F., Guzina B. B. (2013). Qualitative identification of the interfacial condition in cracks via the method of topological sensitivity. SES (ASME) 50th Annual Technical Meeting, Brown University, Providence. (talk)
- Pourahmadian F., Ahmadian H., Jalali H. (2010). Identifying slip-slap forces in the contact interface using dual-mode excitation. International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering, Leuven, Belgium, pp 1235-1244. (pdf)
- Pourahmadian F., Jalali H., Ahmadian H. (2010). Identifying normal modes of a nonlinear system. 10th International Conference on Recent Advances in Structural Dynamics, Southampton, UK. (pdf)