Some things get used over and over again. This page serves as a location for such information. It includes software, data, documentation, and links to other sources.
Calculation Programs
Engineering Equation Solver
The Engineering Equation Solver (EES) is a powerful program for solving engineering problems, especially in thermodynamics. The licensing agreement permits distribution to CEAE students. You must also send an email to me to obtain the necessary license file. The zip file includes instructions. Download (16 MB)
fChart Software
fChart Software produces both fChart and PV-fChart for the design of solar thermal and photovoltaic systems. Both perform both performance and economic evaluation of a specific design using design methods based on monthly data. The licensing agreement permits distribution to CEAE students. You must also send an email to me to obtain the necessary license file. Download PVfChart (750 kB) Download fChart (1.7 MB)
Psychrometric Spreadsheet with PMV Calculations
A Microsoft Excel spreadsheet has been developed to assist in psychrometric calculations. The spreadsheet includes VisualBasic routines for common psychrometric property calculations and for predicting thermal comfort using the PMV/PPD method. Download (91 kB)
Cooling Load Analysis Spreadsheet
A Microsoft Excel spreadsheet has been developed to evaluate cooling loads in a simple building. The spreadsheet uses a thermal network to model transient heat flows. It also accounts for solar gains and shading. Download (520 kB zip file)
Lumen Method Spreadsheet
A Microsoft Excel spreadsheet has been developed to perform lighting design using the Lumen Method. Download (54 kB)
Configuration Factors
For many radiative transfer problems in both illumination and thermal analysis, it is necessary to calculate configuration factors and form factors for planar surfaces. This file contains two old Fortran program executable programs for such calculations. Download (160 kB zip file)
Report Templates
Set of Microsoft Word templates for preparation of technical reports. The template includes standard formats, Styles, AutoText entries, shortcut keys, and other features to improve productivity and enhance document consistency. Two of the templates, and, also provide descriptions of the features and examples of their use. Download (145 kB)
Sustainability and Energy Resources
- LEED-NC 2.2 Documentation (pdf 437 kB)
- LEED-NC 2.2 Checklist (xls 105 kB)
- EIA Annual Energy Review (pdf 7.9 MB)
- DOE Building Energy Data Book (pdf 2.0 MB, xls 2.1 MB)
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