GENERAL INFORMATION LECTURES 9:30--10:45 Tuesday, Thursday ECCR 265 INSTRUCTOR Michael J. Brandemuehl ECCE 246A, 492-8594 (In Larson Lab offices, above CAD Lab) michael.brandemuehl@colorado.edu Office Hours: 12:30--2:00 Tuesday 11:00--12:00 Wednesday 1:00--2:00 Wednesday Problem Session: 6:30--7:30 pm Tuesday, Rm ECCE 1B41
TEXT Summers, L.H. 2004. Environmental Systems for Buildings I. University of Colorado Bookstore.
EVALUATION Homework and Projects 35% Quizzes 10% Participation 5% Midterm Exams 30% Final Exam 20% Final Exam: Tuesday, December 13, 4:30 - 7:00 pm NOTES
The university will make reasonable accommodations for persons with documented disabilities, including physical, psychiatric, and learning disabilities. Students with disabilities who qualify for academic accommodations must provide a letter from Disability Services (DS) and discuss specific needs with the instructor during the first two weeks of class. DS determines accommodations based on documented disabilities (303-492-8671, Willard 322, http://www.colorado.edu/sacs/disabilityservices/ ) Any incident of academic dishonesty will lead to automatic failure of the course. A written report will be submitted to the Academic Discipline Committee of the College and a copy placed in the student's permanent file. Academic dishonesty includes both claiming another persons work as your own and allowing another to claim your work as their own. The university will make reasonable and appropriate accommodations for students who have conflicts between religious observance dates and course examinations or assignments. A recently revised, somewhat more flexible, campus policy has been drafted and approved. The campus policy can be viewed at http://www.colorado.