Handouts will generally be in the form of PDF files. The following handouts are currently available:
Energy-10 is a computer program designed to assist in the evaluation of energy-efficient building design. The licensing agreement requires that the program only be used for academic purposes in the CEAE Department.
Energy-10 Installation File (5.6 MB set-up file for Windows 95, 98, and NT)
The Engineering Equation Solver (EES) is a powerful program for solving engineering problems, especially in thermodynamics. At its core, EES is a nonlinear equation solver with built-in functions for thermophysical properties. In this course, it could be especially helpful for problems involving psychrometrics, fluid flow, and heat transfer. The licensing agreement permits distribution to CEAE students.
EES Installation Instructions
(0.5 KB text file)
EES (2.1 MB setup file for Windows 95, 98, and NT)
Ees.dft (2.0 kB file required for setup)
EES User Manual (1.2 MB pdf file, not really necessary due to extensive on-line help)
Prep is a DOS program to calculate conduction transfer function coefficients for multi-layer plane walls..
PREP.EXE (200 KB DOS program)
Homework Solutions